All posts by djibrilisd

Science plant growth

Please complete the Light and Dark plant write up started in class on Thursday the 25th and Friday the 26


Research Question: Would a seed grow faster in 24 hr, 50%, and no light

Iv:Type/Amount of light

DV:Type/Amount of seed

Controlled Variables:Filling plant with water

Discussion of changes you made after the first experiment to improve your outcomes:The changes are  the separate type of plant growth experiment involving different types of salt.

Data: discuss your data and other students. Do some basic analysis on the data (median, mode, mean, etc)

Conclusion: Based on my data, I can conclude that the plant with no light grew the most because the plant in no light grew the most of 20 millimeters

__________ Us Them Average
24hr light 20 millileters O centimeters 2 centimeters
50% light 0 milliliters 1 centimeter 1 centemeters
0 light 0 millimeters 5.5 centimeters 5.5 centimeters



One of my favorite foods are red rice with fish, spicy buffalo chicken, onion source with fish, and more. this is because whenever my mother cooks these foods.  I also love the cake that my dad buys from the bakery.


One cold night in december, 2014.  My family was at the table texting or looking at there emails.  ‘We need to talk about something….’ my dad said. I got sweaty thinking, did mrs. pasq send a email again!?!  ‘We are moving to Senegal.’  In my head I thought he was kidding, but the look on his face made me know that he was serious about this.  ‘What why are we moving!!’ I spat out.  ‘ Because ofd the ebola problem, my boss said that I had to stay there for 1 year to fix it,but I don’t want to leave for 1 year and come back over and over, so I’m deciding that we should move.  I went to the living room and cried, but before i did, my mom told me I cant go to homework club and do homework with my friends. I thought, this all had to happen to me before my birthday! I ran to y room and tried to stop crying by watching youtube videos to get it all of my mind.  My eye leads got heavier each time I watched a video, thats when i just closed my eyes in a middle of a video and slept till the next day.  I woke up tired, but then smiling that it was a sunny day, but frowned about the news that I was informed on last night.  I went down stairs, went in the kitchen and saw my dad on his laptop typing more emails to his collages.  ‘Hey pa how are you, did you sleep well?” ‘Im good but I didn’t sleep very well, and you?’ ‘Im still sad about yesterday night but other then that everything fine.  My dad frowns a bit but then keeps writing.  “what do you want to eat? I wondered  ‘Bread, chocolate and butter is fine thank you’ he awnsered.  So I got the Nutella from the cabinet, and the butter from the fridge, and the bread that was In a basket on top of the fridge.


This worst then i thought!! Moving ment that I would have to say good bye to my friends, the teachers I wont really miss except the gym teacher and science teacher, they were the nicest teachers I had.  Months and Months passed by as it was finally the day to leave.  We were at the airport, waiting for the plane to come, when we did, my sister bought candy and soda, and buffalo chicken for us to eat, my mother was on her phone, my sister was talking to my other sister about something that i didn’t bother listening to.  I was just ready yet sad thinking this is my last day if living in the place were more then half of my childhood has happend.  I opened another piece  of candy and started to drink more Dr. Pepper.  Everyone starts standing as I put my phone in my pocket and knew it was time. We wait in a very long line of people.  Tickets and passports please? the person at the desk asks. My mom hands over everything and we got passed and started walking to the plane.  There were tilted walk was so our luggage was easy to move,  Thats when i saw the inside of the plane, I was exited yet shaking because I was a bit scared when we got to the part when we enter the plane. My sister, Gamou, and my mom sat in the same line seat, but my other sister, Fatou, sat on the other part. It was a long plane ride, But we arrived at Senegal! I couldn’t wait to see my family but already missed new York.  I enter the bus and head to  a cold room with a t.v.

Well…….Thats the story of the big travel. All after this process, august 12 i went to Isd for the first time, and already made new friends.  See you next blog.