Science plant growth

Please complete the Light and Dark plant write up started in class on Thursday the 25th and Friday the 26


Research Question: Would a seed grow faster in 24 hr, 50%, and no light

Iv:Type/Amount of light

DV:Type/Amount of seed

Controlled Variables:Filling plant with water

Discussion of changes you made after the first experiment to improve your outcomes:The changes are  the separate type of plant growth experiment involving different types of salt.

Data: discuss your data and other students. Do some basic analysis on the data (median, mode, mean, etc)

Conclusion: Based on my data, I can conclude that the plant with no light grew the most because the plant in no light grew the most of 20 millimeters

__________ Us Them Average
24hr light 20 millileters O centimeters 2 centimeters
50% light 0 milliliters 1 centimeter 1 centemeters
0 light 0 millimeters 5.5 centimeters 5.5 centimeters